
[사회과학의 철학] Little (2011), “Causal mechanisms in the social realm” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Daniel Little (2011), “Causal mechanisms in the social realm”, in P. Illari et al. (eds.)(2011), Causality in the Sciences (Oxford University Press), pp. 273-295. ]

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Social mechanisms

13.3 What is a causal mechanism?

13.4 Methodological localism

13.5 Varieties of causal mechanisms

13.5.1 Examples of social mechanisms

13.5.2 Transportation as a social mechanism

13.5.3 What is to explain about violent crime?

13.5.4 Race and asthma

13.6 Is sociology analogous to epidemiology?

13.7 Conclusion

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Social mechanisms

13.3 What is a causal mechanism?

13.4 Methodological localism

13.5 Varieties of causal mechanisms

13.5.1 Examples of social mechanisms

13.5.2 Transportation as a social mechanism

13.5.3 What is to explain about violent crime?

13.5.4 Race and asthma

13.6 Is sociology analogous to epidemiology?

13.7 Conclusion


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