Philosophy of Economics (2012) by Mäki, Gabbay, Thagard & Woods
Philosophy of Economics
A volume in Handbook of the Philosophy of Science
: 경제철학 선집
Edited by: Uskali Mäki, Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard and John Woods
ISBN: 978-0-444-51676-3
■ A. General Philosophical Themes
1. Realism and Antirealism About Economics / Uskali Mäki
2. The Rise and fall of Popper and Lakatos in Economics / Roger E. Backhouse
3. Models and Modelling in Economics / Mary S. Morgan and Tarja Knuuttila
4. Economic Theory and Causal Inference / Kevin D. Hoover
5. Naturalism and the Nature of Economic Evidence / Harold Kincaid
6. Some Issues Concerning the Nature of Economic Explanation / Harold Kincaid
7. The Unreasonable Efficacy of Mathematics in Modern Economics / Philip Mirowski
8. Feminist Philosophy of Economics / Kristina Rolin
9. The Positive-Normative Dichotomy and Economics / D. Wade Hands
10. Economic Theory, Anti-Economics, And Political Ideology / Don Ross
11. Social Scientific Naturalism and Experimentation in Economics / Daniel M. Hausman
■ B. Specific Methods, Theories, Approaches, Paradigms, Schools, Traditions
12. The Philosophy of Economic Forecasting / Clive W.J. Granger
13. Philosophy of Econometrics / Aris Spanos
14. Measurement in Economics, / Marcel Boumans
15. Geographical Economics and its Neighbours — Forces Towards and Against Unification / Caterina Marchionni
16. The Homo Economicus Conception of the Individual: An Ontological Approach / John B. Davis
17. Rational Choice and Some Difficulties for Consequentialism / Paul Anand
18. Rational Choice, Preferences Over Actions and Rule-Following Behavior / Viktor J. Vanberg
19. Philosophy of Game Theory / Till Grüne-Yanoff and Aki Lehtinen
20. An Embarrassment of Riches: Modeling Social Preferences in Ultimatum Games / Cristina Bicchieri, Jiji Zhang
21. Experimentation in Economics / Francesco Guala
22. Behavioral Economics / Erik Angner and George Loewenstein
23. The Economic Agent: Not Human, But Important / Don Ross
24. Ontological Issues in Evolutionary Economics: The debate Between Generalized Darwinism and the Continuity Hypothesis / Jack Vromen
25. Public Choice: A Methodological Perspective / Hartmut Kliemt
26. Judgment Aggregation: A Short Introduction / Christian List
27. The Economics of Scientific Knowledge / Jesús P. Zamora Bonilla
언어철학연구 I - 비트겐슈타인과 언어 (1995) by 박영식 외
언어철학연구 I - 비트겐슈타인과 언어
박영식 지음 | 현암사 | 1995년 11월 30일 출간
■ 언어철학의 이해
01. 엄정식 / 언어철학: 그 과제와 쟁점
02. 이명현 / 언어와 사고 그리고 존재 세계
■ 비트겐슈타인 철학
03. 박영식 / 비트겐슈타인의 언어 그림 이론
04. 뉴턴가버 / 비트겐슈타인의 언어 과학관
05. 최세만 / 비트겐슈타인의 언어 과학 비판
06. 김영건 / 비트겐슈타인과 삶의 의미
07. 남기창 / 크루오의 언어는 사적 언어인가?
08. 남경희 / 자연 언어와 심신문제
09. 뉴턴라버, 이승종 / 형이상학의 언어는 가능한가?
10. 김보현 / 비트겐슈타인의 봄
11. 이건표 / 불교와 비트겐슈타인
■ 윤리학과 언어
12. 제랄드 엘프스르롬/ 규정주의와 실재론
13. 황경식 / 정의적 의미의 기원: C.L 스티븐슨의 의미론 시비
14. 박정순 / 일상언어와 도덕적 합리성: 틀민의 ‘정당근거적 접근식’을 중심으로
15. Gerald Elfstrom / Prescrptivism and Realism
The Cambridge Companion to Rawls (2003) by Freeman (ed.)
The Cambridge Companion to RAWLS
Edited by Samuel Freeman
University of Pennsylvania
© Cambridge University Press 2003
ISBN-13 978-0-521-65167-7 hardback
ISBN-10 0-521-65167-0 hardback
Introduction: John Rawls – An Overview View / Samuel Freeman
1. Rawls and Liberalism / Thomas Nagel
2. For a Democratic Society / Joshua Cohen
3. Rawls on Justification / T. M. Scanlon
4. Rawls on the Relationship between Liberalism and Democracy / Amy Gutmann
5. Difference Principles / Philippe van Parijs
6. Democratic Equality: Rawls’s Complex Egalitarianism / Norman Daniels
7. Congruence and the Good of Justice / Samuel Freeman
8. On Rawls and Political Liberalism / Burton Dreben
9. Constructivism in Rawls and Kant / Onora O’neill
10. Public Reason / Charles Larmore
11. Rawls on Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law / Frank I. Michelman
12. Rawls and Utilitarianism / Samuel Scheffler
13. Rawls and Communitarianism / Stephen Mulhall and Adam Swift
14. Rawls and Feminism / Martha C. Nussbaum
귀납논리와 과학철학 (2000) by 이초식 외
귀납논리와 과학철학
이초식 외 지음 | 철학과현실사 | 2000년 09월 01일 출간
총론 / 전영삼
■ 제1부. 귀납논리
서론 / 우정규
1. 흄의 귀납문제에 대한 칸트의 답변 / 정병훈
2. 카르납의 귀납논리 / 전영삼
3. 귀납확률론에 대한 비판적 고찰 / 진성배
4. 결단이론의 구조. 논점 및 응용 / 우정규
5. 귀납논리와 20세기 한국의 논리교육 / 이초식
■ 제2부. 일반적 과학철학
서론 / 정영기
6. 구조주의의 이론관 / 김보현
7. 이론, 공리체계 그리고 그 판별방법 / 안건훈
8. 헴펠의 과학적 설명 / 정영기
9. 인과적 과정과 표지원리 / 김효명
10. 인과성의 확률적 분석 / 양승렬
11. 베이즈주의자들은 어떻게 뒤앙의 문제를 해결해야 하는가? / 이영의
■ 제3부. 물리학의 철학과 인지과학
서론 / 이영의
12. 물리적 결정론의 근거인 ‘숨겨진 변수’의 존재에 대한 논쟁 / 최종덕
13. 표상의 파생의미론적 성격 / 정대현
14. 자연화된 과학철학과 인지과학 / 이영의
15. 탐구 패턴으로서의 가설상정법 / 임병갑
부록. 한국의 서양철학 수용과 그 평가 / 김효명, 김영정
Readings on Laws of Nature (2004) by John W. Carroll (ed.)
John W. Carroll (ed.) (2004), Readings on Laws of Nature
: 자연법칙에 관한 선집
University of Pittsburgh Press
August 2004
Introduction / John W. Carroll
1. Laws of Nature / Fred I. Dretske
(from Philosophy of Science 44 (1977): 248-68.)
2. The Nature of Laws / Michael Tooley
(from Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1977): 667-98.)
3. Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts? / Nancy Cartwright
(from Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1980): 75-84.)
4. Confirmation and the Nomological / Frank Jackson and Robert Pargetter
(from Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (1980): 415-28.)
5. Induction, Explanation, and Natural Necessity / John Foster
(from Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 83 (1982-83): 87-101.)
6. Armstrong on Laws and Probabilities / Bas C. Van Fraassen
(from Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65, 3 (1987): 243-60.)
7. Confirmation and Law-likeness / Elliott Sober
(from Philosophical Review 97 (1988): 93-98.)
8. The World as One of a Kind: Natural Necessity and Laws of Nature
/ John Bigelow, Brian Ellis, and Caroline Lierse
(from British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43, 3 (1992): 371-88.)
9. Natural Laws and the Problem of Provisos / Marc Lange
(from Erkenntnis 38 (1993): 233-48.)
10. Humean Supervenience / Barry Loewer
(from Philosophical Topic 24 (1996): 101-27.)
11. Ceteris Paribus, There Is No Problem of Provisos
/ John Earman and John Roberts
(from Synthese 118 (1999): 439-78.)
12. The Non-Governing Conception of Laws of Nature / Helen Beebee
(from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61 (2000): 571-94.)
Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time (1982) by Feigl & Maxwell
Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell (1982), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume III – Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time
: 과학적 설명에 대한 선집
Grover Maxwell, “The Ontological Status of Theoretical Entities”
P. K. Feyerabend, “Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism”
Carl G. Hempel, “Deductive-Nomological vs. Statistical Explanation”
Michael Scriven, “Explanations, Predictions, and Laws”
May Brodbeck, “Explanation, Prediction, and “Imperfect” Knowledge”
William W. Rozeboom, “The Factual Content of Theoretical Concepts”
Hilary Putnam, “The Analytic and the Synthetic”
Grover Maxwell, “The Necessary and the Contingent”
Adolf Grünbaum, “Geometry, Chronometry, and Empiricism”
: 과학적 설명에 대한 선집
Grover Maxwell, “The Ontological Status of Theoretical Entities”
P. K. Feyerabend, “Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism”
Carl G. Hempel, “Deductive-Nomological vs. Statistical Explanation”
Michael Scriven, “Explanations, Predictions, and Laws”
May Brodbeck, “Explanation, Prediction, and “Imperfect” Knowledge”
William W. Rozeboom, “The Factual Content of Theoretical Concepts”
Hilary Putnam, “The Analytic and the Synthetic”
Grover Maxwell, “The Necessary and the Contingent”
Adolf Grünbaum, “Geometry, Chronometry, and Empiricism”
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