
[과학사] Collins and Pinch (1998), Ch 5 “A new window on the universe: the non-detection of gravitational radiation” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch (1998), The Golem: What You Should Know About Science, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press), pp. -.

Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch (1993), The Golem: What You Should Know About Science, 1st Edition (Cambridge University Press).

해리 콜린스・트레버 핀치, 「5장. 우주를 향해 열린 새로운 창 - 중력 복사선의 탐지 실패」, 『골렘 ― 과학의 뒷골목』, 이충형 옮김 (새물결, 2005), -쪽. ]

1. Detecting gravity waves

1.1. Current status of Weber’s claims and of gravitational radiation

1.2. Persuading others

2. The experimenter’s regress

2.1. Scientists at their work

2.2. The competence of experimenters and the existence of gravity waves

3. Gravitational radiation: 1975

3.1. How the debate closed

4. Conclusion


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