
[강의계획서] 과학철학연구: 환원과 창발 (조인래, 2018년 1학기)

- 수업명: <과학철학연구: 환원과 창발>

- 서울대 철학과 대학원

- 2018년 1학기

- 담당교수: 조인래

■ 과제 및 평가

1. 수업 참여

2. 발제 및 비평

- 발제 1회와 비평 2회를 기본으로 한다.

- 비평은 발제를 한 주제를 제외한 나머지 주제들에서 하되 주제들이 중복되지 않도록 한다. 단, B 부분의 주제에서 발제를 한 경우, 1회에 한하여 동일 주제에 대한 비평을 허용한다.

3. 기말보고서

■ 교재 및 참고문헌

A. 환원과 과학의 통일 (2주)

• Sarkar, Sahotra (1992), “Models of Reduction and Categories of Reductionism”, Synthese, Vol. 91: 167-194.

• Silberstein, Michael (2002), “Reduction, Emergence and Explanation”, in P. Machamer & M. Silberstein (eds.)(2002), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science (Cambridge: Blackwell). 80-107.

• Nagel, E. (1961), The Structure of Science, pp. 332-365.

• Feyerabend, P. (1962), “Explanation, Reduction and Empiricism”, Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science III, pp. 28-97.

• Kemeny, J. & Oppenheim, P. (1956), “On Reduction”, Philosophical Studies 7, 6-12. Reprinted in Brody & Grandy (eds.)(1971), Readings in the Philosophy of Science, pp. 307-318.

• Oppenheim, P. & Putnam, H. (1958), “Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis”, in H. Feigl, M. Scriven & G. Maxwell (eds.), Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science Vol. II pp.3-36.

• Fodor, J. (1974), “Special Sciences(or: the Disunity of Science as a Working Hypothesis)”, Synthese 28: 97-115. Reprinted in R. Boyd, et al (eds.)(1991), The Philosophy of Science, pp. 429-442.

B. 특수과학에서의 환원

B1(a). 물리학(2W)

• Nickles, T. (1973), “Two Concepts of Intertheoretical Reduction”, Journal of Philosophy 70: 181-201.

• Sklar, L. (1999), “The Reduction(?) of Thermodynamics to Statistical Mechanics”, Philosophical Studies 95: 187-199.

• Hawthorne, J. & Silberstein, M. (1995), “For Whom the Bell Arguments Toll”, Synthese 102: 99-138.

B1(b). 화학

• Scerri, E. & McIntyre, L. (1997), “The Case for the Philosophy of Chemistry”, Synthese 111: 213-232.

• Ramsey, J. L. (1997), “Molecular Shape, Reduction, Explanation and Approximate Concepts”, Synthese 111: 233-251.

B2. 생물학

• Schaffner, K. (1967), “Approaches to Reduction”, Philosophy of Science 34: 137-147.

• Hull, D. (1971), “Reduction in Genetics - Biology or Philosophy”, Philosophy of Science 39: 491-499.

• Hull, D. (1974), Philosophy of Biological Science, Prentice-Hall, pp. 8-44.

• Kitcher, P. (1984), “1953 and all that: A tale of two sciences”, Philosophical Review 93: 335-73.

• Waters, Kenneth (1990), “Why the Antireductionist Consensus Won’t Survive the Case of Classical Mendelian Genetics”, in A. Fine, M. Forbes, and L. Wessels (eds.), PSA 1990, vol. 1, pp. 125-139.

• Schaffner, K. (1998), “Genes, Behavior, and Developmental Emergentism: One Process, Indivisible?”, Philosophy of Science 65: 209-252. Particularly, secs. 1, 2, 5, 6, & 7.

• Griffiths, Paul E. & Robin D. Knight (1998), “What Is the Developmentalist Challenge?”, Philosophy of Science 65: 253-258.

B3. 심신문제

• Kim, J. (1992), “Multiple Realizability and the Metaphysics of Reduction”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52. 1-26. Reprinted in J. Kim (1993), Supervenience and Mind, Cambridge University Press, pp. 309-336.

• Fodor, J. (1997), “Special sciences: Still autonomous after all these years”, Philosophical Perspectives 11: 149-163.

• Block, N. (1997), “Anti-Reductionism Slaps Back”, Philosophical Perspectives 11: 107-132.

• Kim, J (1998), Mind in a Physical World, “Chapter 4. Reduction and Reductionism: A New Look”, MIT, pp. 89-120.

C. 창발의 문제

• Stephan, A. (1992), “Emergence - A Systematic View on its Historical Facets”, in Backermann, et al.(eds.), Emergence or Reduction: Essays on the Prospects of Nonreductive Physicalism, pp.25-48.

• Kim, J. (1999), “Making sense of emergence”, Philosophical Studies 95: 1-36.

• Siberstein, M. & McGeever, J. (1999), “The Search for Ontological Emergence”, The Philosophical Quarterly 49: 182-200.


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