
[사회과학의 철학] Mouchart and Russo (2011), “Causal explanation: Recursive decompositions and mechanisms” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Michel Mouchart and Federica Russo (2011), “Causal explanation: Recursive decompositions and mechanisms”, in P. Illari et al. (eds.)(2011), Causality in the Sciences (Oxford University Press), pp. 317-337. ]

15.1 The quest for causal explanations in the social sciences

15.2 The structure of the statistician’s explanation

15.2.1 Explanation in a stochastic environment

15.2.2 The multivariate aspect of social phenomena

15.2.3 Difficulties

15.3 Explanatory mechanisms

15.3.1 Interpreting recursive decompositions

15.3.2 Recursive decompositions and mechanisms

15.3.3 Mechanisms, explanation, causality

15.3.4 Evaluation/flexibility of explanation

15.4 Concluding remarks

15.1 The quest for causal explanations in the social sciences

15.2 The structure of the statistician’s explanation

15.2.1 Explanation in a stochastic environment

15.2.2 The multivariate aspect of social phenomena

15.2.3 Difficulties

15.3 Explanatory mechanisms

15.3.1 Interpreting recursive decompositions

15.3.2 Recursive decompositions and mechanisms

15.3.3 Mechanisms, explanation, causality

15.3.4 Evaluation/flexibility of explanation

15.4 Concluding remarks


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