
[과학사] Collins and Pinch (1998), Ch 4 “The germs of dissent: Louis Pasteur and the origins of life” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch (1998), The Golem: What You Should Know About Science, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press), pp. -.

Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch (1993), The Golem: What You Should Know About Science, 1st Edition (Cambridge University Press).

해리 콜린스・트레버 핀치, 「4장. 세균들은 반대했지만…… - 루이 파스퇴르와 생명의 기원」, 『골렘 ― 과학의 뒷골목』, 이충형 옮김 (새물결, 2005), -쪽. ]

1. Spontaneous generation

2. The nature of the experiments

3. Practical answers to the experimental questions

4. The Pasteur–Pouchet debate

5. Experiments ‘under mercury’

6. Flasks exposed at altitude

7. Sins of commission

8. Retrospect and prospect on the Pasteur–Pouchet debate

9. Postscript


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