
[경제학의 철학] Maziarz (2020), Ch 1 “Introduction” in The Philosophy of Causality in Economics 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Mariusz Maziarz (2020), The Philosophy of Causality in Economics: Causal Inferences and Policy Proposals (Routledge), pp. 1-10. ]

1.1 The meaning of causality

1.2 On referentialist semantics, case studies, and the choice of sample

1.3 The structure of the book

1.1 The meaning of causality


네 가지 다른 접근

(1) 인과에 관한

(2) 역사적 발전



1.2 On referentialist semantics, case studies, and the choice of sample

1.3 The structure of the book


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