
[경제학의 철학] Hoover (2011), “Counterfactuals and causal structure” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Kevin D. Hoover (2011), “Counterfactuals and causal structure”, in P. Illari et al. (eds.)(2011), Causality in the Sciences (Oxford University Press), pp. 338-360. ]

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Woodward’s manipulation account

16.3 The structural account

16.3.1 Simon on causal order

16.3.2 Modularity and difference-making

16.3.3 Counterfactual analysis

16.4 Counterfactuals and policy analysis

16.4.1 Impostor counterfactuals

16.4.2 An illustration from monetary economics

16.4.3 Internal and external validity

16.4.4 Epistemic opportunism

16.1 Introduction


인과성은 반-사실적 조건문에 관한 분석과 밀접히 관련됨.



우드워드도 원인을 반-사실적으로 정의함.

카트라이트는 이를 공격함


우드워드의 설명은 Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour and Richard Scheines (2001) and Judea Pearl (2000)에서 도출함

16.2 Woodward’s manipulation account


우드워드의 설명은 루이스의 설명과 근본적으로 다름

(DC) A necessary and sufficient condition for X to be a direct cause of Y with respect to some variable set V is that there be a possible intervention on X that will change Y (or the probability distribution of Y) when all other variables in V besides X and Y are held fixed at some value by interventions. (Woodward 2003, p. 55)

Woodward (2003, p. 98) intervention variable (I) for a variable X with respect to a variable Y은 네 가지 기준

1. I causes X;

2. I acts as a switch so that when it takes the right values it can eliminate the effect of all other variables in determining X;

3. any causal path from I to Y goes through X;

4. I is independent of any variable Z that causes Y otherwise than through X.


우드워드의 직접적 인과 정의에서 반-사실성의 역할은 두 가지

16.3 The structural account


구조적 설명은 Spirtes et al과 Pearl의 그래프-이론적 분석과 관련됨.

16.3.1 Simon on causal order

16.3.2 Modularity and difference-making

16.3.3 Counterfactual analysis

16.4 Counterfactuals and policy analysis

16.4.1 Impostor counterfactuals

16.4.2 An illustration from monetary economics


structural vector autoregressions


루카스 비판


경제학 등에서의 인과적 지식에 대한 카트라이트의 회의주의

16.4.3 Internal and external validity

16.4.4 Epistemic opportunism


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