
[과학철학] Hoefer (2008), “Introducing Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science” 요약 정리 (미완성)


[ Carl Hoefer (2008), “Introducing Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science”, in S. Hartmann et al. (eds.)(2008), Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science (Routledge), pp. 1-13. ]
  1. Overview: Cartwright’s Empiricism and the Stanford School
  2. Lying Laws and Fundamentalists
  3. Causation: Causal Laws, Capacities, and Singular Causings
  4. The Dappled World: The Metaphysics and Methods of Good Science
  1. Overview: Cartwright’s Empiricism and the Stanford School

p.1 #1
- Cartwright’s philosophy of science is empiricism in the style of Neurath and Mill, rather than of Hume or Carnap.
- She is concerned with how actual science achieves the successes, and what sort of metaphysical and epistemological presuppositions are needed to understand that success.

p.1 #2
- Cartwright takes a rather pragmatic/realist stance toward observations and interventions.

p.1 #3
- practitioners of the Stanford School of history/philosophy of science: Pat Suppes, John Dupré, Ian Hacking, Margaret Morrison, Peter Galison, and Nancy Cartwright

p.2 #1
책 세 권의 특징

  2. Lying Laws and Fundamentalists

p.2 #4

  3. Causation: Causal Laws, Capacities, and Singular Causings


pp. 7-8
카트라이트의 주요 사례들은 경제학과 물리학에서 가져옴.
그러나 두 학문에서 사용된 과학적 방법의 재구성은 명확하고 설득력 있는 반면, 역설적이게도 인과역량에 우호적인 존재론적 결론은 경제학보다 물리학에서 더 강함.

  4. The Dappled World: The Metaphysics and Methods of Good Science



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