
[과학철학] Weisberg (2006), “Robustness Analysis” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Michael Weisberg (2006), “Robustness Analysis”, Philosophy of Science, 73(5): 730-742. ]

1. Introduction

2. Orzack and Sober on Robustness

3. Discovering Robust Theorems

3.1. The Volterra Principle

3.2. Robust Theorems and Robustness Analysis

4. Robustness Analysis’s Confirmatory Power

5. Conclusions

1. Introduction

2. Orzack and Sober on Robustness

3. Discovering Robust Theorems

3.1. The Volterra Principle

3.2. Robust Theorems and Robustness Analysis

4. Robustness Analysis’s Confirmatory Power

5. Conclusions


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