
[과학철학] Morrison (2008), “Models as Representational Structures” 요약 정리 (미완성)


[ Margaret Morrison (2008), Ch 4 “Models as Representational Structures”, in S. Hartmann et al. (eds.)(2008), Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science (Routledge), pp. 67-88. ]
  1. Cartwright on How Models Represent
  2. On the Priority of Representative Models
  3. The Evolution of an Idea
  4. From Representative Model to Quantative Theory
     : Constructing the BCS Ground State
  5. Philosophical Conclusions

p.67 #1
- a model that represents a physical system and its role as a mediator
- There are many different way that models can function as a mediator.

p.67 #3
- 모리스가 카트라이트에 반대하는 점
the function of interpretive models가 아니라 representative models의 중요한 역할이 빠져 있다는 점

  1. Cartwright on How Models Represent
  2. On the Priority of Representative Models
  3. The Evolution of an Idea
  4. From Representative Model to Quantative Theory
     : Constructing the BCS Ground State
  5. Philosophical Conclusions

  Reply to Margaret Morrison

p. 89


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