
[강의계획서] 과학철학과제연구: 쿤의 과학철학 (조인래, 2015년 1학기)

- 수업명: <과학철학과제연구: 쿤의 과학철학>

- 2015년 1학기

- 서울대 철학과 대학원

- 담당교수: 조인래

■ 교재

• 조인래 (편역)(1997), 『쿤의 주제들: 비판과 대응』, 이화여대출판사.

• Bird, Alexander (2000), Thomas Kuhn, Princeton University Press.

• Horwich, P. (ed.)(1993), World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science, MIT.

• Hoyningen-Huene, P. (1993), Reconstructing Scientific Revolution, Univ. of Chicago Press.

• Kuhn, T. (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 2nd ed., Univ. of Chicago Press.

• Kuhn, T. (ed.)(1977), The Essential Tension, Univ. of Chicago Press.

• Lakatos, I. & Musgrave, A. (eds.)(1970), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, Cambridge Univ. Press. (번역: 『현대과학철학 논쟁』)

• Nickles, T. (ed.)(2003), Thomas Kuhn, Cambridge University Press.

■ 주제와 참고문헌

1. 쿤: 『과학혁명의 구조』 (3주)

2. 패러다임 (2주)

• (2-1a) Shapere (1971), “The Paradigm Concept”, Science 172: 706-9. 조인래 (1997), 104-116.

• (2-1b) Kuhn, T. (1974), “Second Thoughts on Paradigms”, in F. Suppe (ed.)(1974), The Structure of Scientific Theories, Univ. of Illinois Press, pp. 459-82. Reprinted in Kuhn (1977), 293-319. 조인래 (1997), 117-151.

• (2-2) Bird (2000), Thomas Kuhn, “Paradigms”, 65-96.

3. 정상과학/과학혁명 (2주)

• (3-1a) Feyerabend (1970), “Consolations for the Specialist”, in Lakatos & Musgrave (eds.), 197-208. 조인래 (1997), 166-185.

• (3-1b) Kuhn (1987), “What are Scientific Revolutions?”, in L. Krüger, et al. (eds), The Probabilistic Revolution, Vol. 1, 7-22. 조인래 (1997), 186-215.

• (3-2) Bird (2000), Thomas Kuhn, “Normal and Revolutionary Science”, 29-64.

• (3-3) Nickles, Thomas (2003), “Normal Science: From Logic to Case-Based and Model-Based Reasoning”, in T. Nickles (ed.)(2003), 142-177.

4. 공약불가능성 (3주)

• (4-1a) Putnam (1981), “Anarchism is self-refuting”, in Reason, Truth and History, 113-119. 조인래 (1997), 216-224.

• (4-1b) Kuhn (1983), “Commensurability, Comparability, Communicability,” in PSA 1982, Vol.2, 669-688. 조인래 (1997), 225-255.

• (4-2) Bird (2000), Thomas Kuhn, “Perception and World Change”, 97-148.

• (4-3) Bird (2000), Thomas Kuhn, “Incommensurability and Meaning”, 149-208.

• (4-4) Nersessian, Nancy (2003), “Kuhn, Conceptual Change, and Cognitive Science”, in J. Nickels (ed.)(2003), pp. 178-211.

5. 과학의 합리성 (3주)

• (5-1a) Scheffler, I. (1967), “Change and Objectivity”, in Science and Subjectivity, pp. 73-89. 조인래 (1997), 277-298.

• (5-1b) Kuhn (1973), “Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice”. Reprinted in The Essential Tension, 320-339. 조인래 (1997), 299-326.

• (5-2) Salmon (1990), “Rationality and Objectivity in Science or Tom Kuhn meets Tom Bayes”, Savage (ed.) Scientific Theories, 175-204.

• (5-3) McMullin (1993), “Rationality and Paradigm Change in Science”, in Horwich (ed.)(1993), 55-78.

• (5-4) Bird (2000), Thomas Kuhn, “Progress and Relativism”, 209-266.


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