
[과학철학] Odenbaugh and Alexandrova (2011), “Buyer beware: robustness analyses in economics and biology” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Jay Odenbaugh and Anna Alexandrova (2011), “Buyer beware: robustness analyses in economics and biology”, Biology and Philosophy, 26(5): 757-771. ]

1. Robustness analysis: a philosophical state of the art

2. Robust theorems in biology and economics

2.1. An example from biology

2.2. Example from economics

3. What robustness analysis does

4. Conclusion

1. Robustness analysis: a philosophical state of the art

2. Robust theorems in biology and economics

2.1. An example from biology

2.2. Example from economics

3. What robustness analysis does

4. Conclusion


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