
[실험철학] Nagatsu (2019), “Applying Experimental Philosophy to Investigate Economic Concepts: Choice, Preference, and Nudge” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Michiru Nagatsu (2019), “Applying Experimental Philosophy to Investigate Economic Concepts: Choice, Preference, and Nudge”, in D. A. Wilkenfeld and R. Samuels (eds.)(2019), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science (Bloomsbury USA Academic), pp. 147-171. ]

1. Introduction

2. Conceptual variance and conceptual ecology

3. Commonsensible realism

4. Choice concepts: Folk vs. economic

5. Preference concepts:

Behavioral, psychological, or constructive?

6. Tracking changing methodological practice:

To nudge or not to nudge?

7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

2. Conceptual variance and conceptual ecology

3. Commonsensible realism

4. Choice concepts: Folk vs. economic

5. Preference concepts:

Behavioral, psychological, or constructive?

6. Tracking changing methodological practice:

To nudge or not to nudge?

7. Conclusion


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