
[경제학의 철학] Hoover (2001), Ch 7 “Macroeconometrics and Causality” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Kevin D. Hoover (2001), Causality in macroeconomics (Cambridge University Press), pp. 144-190. ]

7.1. Some Reflections on the History of Causality in Econometrics

7.2. Three Current Econometric Aproaches to Causality

7.2.1. Granger

7.2.2. Glymour, Scheines, Spirtes, and Kelly

7.2.3. LeRoy

7.3. Exogeneity and Causality

7.3.1. Concepts of Exogeneity

7.3.2. The Demand for Money with Extrapolative Expectations

7.3.3. The Demand for Money with Rational Expectations

7.4. The Lucas Critique and Causality

7.1. Some Reflections on the History of Causality in Econometrics

7.2. Three Current Econometric Aproaches to Causality

7.2.1. Granger

7.2.2. Glymour, Scheines, Spirtes, and Kelly

7.2.3. LeRoy

7.3. Exogeneity and Causality

7.3.1. Concepts of Exogeneity

7.3.2. The Demand for Money with Extrapolative Expectations

7.3.3. The Demand for Money with Rational Expectations

7.4. The Lucas Critique and Causality


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