
[윤리학] Appiah (2008), Ch 2 “The Case against Character” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Anthony Appiah (2008), Experiments in Ethics (Harvard University Press)

콰메 앤터니 애피아, 『윤리학의 배신』, 이은주 옮김 (바이북스, 2011) ]

1. The Virtue Revival

2. Wrongful Attributions

3. The Situationist Challenge

4. Moral Heuristics

5. Sartor Resartus

6. The Situation of Ethics

7. Why Virtue Matters

1. The Virtue Revival

2. Wrongful Attributions

3. The Situationist Challenge

4. Moral Heuristics

5. Sartor Resartus

6. The Situation of Ethics

7. Why Virtue Matters


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[외국 가요] 맥 드마르코 (Mac DeMarco)

Mac DeMarco - Heart To Heart ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBoQzo98EpQ ) ​ ​ (2025.01.20.)