
[경제학의 철학] Hoover (2005), “Quantitative Evaluation of Idealized Models in the New Classical Macroeconomics” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Kevin D. Hoover (2005), “Quantitative Evaluation of Idealized Models in the New Classical Macroeconomics”, in M. R. Jones and N. Cartwright (eds.)(2005), Idealization XII: Correcting the Model: Idealization and Abstraction in the Sciences (Rodopi), pp. 15-33. ]

1. The Lucas Critique

2. Calibration versus Estimation

3. Models and Artifacts

4. Quantification and Idealization

5. Aggregation and General Equilibrium

6. Lessons for Econometrics

7. Conclusion

1. The Lucas Critique

2. Calibration versus Estimation

3. Models and Artifacts

4. Quantification and Idealization

5. Aggregation and General Equilibrium

6. Lessons for Econometrics

7. Conclusion


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