
[과학철학] Wimsatt (2012), “Robustness, Reliability, and Overdetermination (1981)” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ William C. Wimsatt (2012), “Robustness, Reliability, and Overdetermination (1981)”, in L. Soler et al. (eds.)(2012), Characterizing the Robustness of Science: After the Practice Turn in Philosophy of Science (Springer), pp. 61-87. ]

2.1 Common Features of Concepts of Robustness

2.2 Robustness and the Structure of Theories

2.3 Robustness, Testability, and the Nature of Theoretical Terms

2.4 Robustness, Redundancy, and Discovery

2.5 Robustness, Objectification, and Realism

2.6 Robustness and Levels of Organization

2.7 Heuristics and Robustness

2.8 Robustness, Independence, and Pseudorobustness: A Case Study

2.1 Common Features of Concepts of Robustness

2.2 Robustness and the Structure of Theories

2.3 Robustness, Testability, and the Nature of Theoretical Terms

2.4 Robustness, Redundancy, and Discovery

2.5 Robustness, Objectification, and Realism

2.6 Robustness and Levels of Organization

2.7 Heuristics and Robustness

2.8 Robustness, Independence, and Pseudorobustness: A Case Study


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