
[생물학의 철학] Sterelny (2003), Ch 10 “The Massive Modularity Hypothesis” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Kim Sterelny (2003), Thought in a Hostile World: The Evolution of Human Cognition (Blackwell), pp. 177-. ]

10.1 Massive Modularity

10.2 Language: Paradigm or Outlier?

10.3 Communicative Intentions

10.4 Fodor’s Modules and their Limits

10.5 Inward Bound

10.6 Evolution and Encapsulation

10.7 The Poverty of the Stimulus

10.8 The Case of Folk Biology

10.9 Modularity and the Frame Problem

10.1 Massive Modularity

10.2 Language: Paradigm or Outlier?

10.3 Communicative Intentions

10.4 Fodor’s Modules and their Limits

10.5 Inward Bound

10.6 Evolution and Encapsulation

10.7 The Poverty of the Stimulus

10.8 The Case of Folk Biology

10.9 Modularity and the Frame Problem


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