
[경제학의 철학] Lagueux (2010), Ch 7 “Explaining in the absence of rationality” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Maurice Lagueux (2010), Rationality and Explanation in Economics (Routledge), pp. 152-176. ]

7.1. An atypical debate quickly aborted

7.2. Can Becker’s ‘survival argument’ survive?

7.3. The real debate: rationality versus mechanism

7.4. Why this charge against rationality?

7.5. Intentional states and intentional stance

7.6. A methodological divide

7.1. An atypical debate quickly aborted

7.2. Can Becker’s ‘survival argument’ survive?

7.3. The real debate: rationality versus mechanism

7.4. Why this charge against rationality?

7.5. Intentional states and intentional stance

7.6. A methodological divide


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