
[사회과학의 철학] Steel (2004), “Social Mechanisms and Causal Inference” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Daniel Steel (2004), “Social Mechanisms and Causal Inference”, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 34(1), 55-78. ]

1. What Are Social Mechanisms?

2. Mechanisms and the Problem of Confounders

3. Kincaid’s Objections

4. No Plausible Mechanism

5. Process Tracing and Interpretation

6. Conclusion

1. What Are Social Mechanisms?

2. Mechanisms and the Problem of Confounders

3. Kincaid’s Objections

4. No Plausible Mechanism

5. Process Tracing and Interpretation

6. Conclusion


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[외국 가요] 맥 드마르코 (Mac DeMarco)

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