
[과학철학] Glennan (2009), “Mechanisms” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Stuart Glennan (2009), “Mechanisms”, in H. Beebee et al. (eds.)(2009), The Oxford handbook of causation (Oxford University Press), pp. 315-325. ]

1. Introduction

2. Laws, Generalizations, and Mechanisms

3. Activities and Interactions

4. Mechanical Systems and Mechanical Processes

1. Introduction


‘메커니즘’이라는 용어의 유래


메커니즘 개념을 인과와 인과적 설명을 이해하는 데 사용

- Salmon (1984), Dowe (2000): 메커니즘을 연속적인 물리적 과정들의 nexus로 취급

- Bechtel and Richardson (1993), Glennan (1996), Machamer, Darden, and Craver (2000): 메커니즘을 상호작용하는 부분들의 체계로 취급


글레낸의 정의


2. Laws, Generalizations, and Mechanisms

3. Activities and Interactions

4. Mechanical Systems and Mechanical Processes


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