
[경제학의 철학] Heilmann and Reiss (2021), “Introduction” in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Economics 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Conrad Heilmann and Julian Reiss (2021), “Introduction”, in C. Heilmann and J. Reiss (eds.)(2021), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Economics (Routledge), pp. 1-19. ]

1. Eight Themes in the Philosophy of Economics

1.1 Rationality

1.2 Cooperation and Interaction

1.3 Methodology

1.4 Values

1.5 Causality and Explanation

1.6 Experimentation and Simulation

1.7 Evidence

1.8 Policy

1. Eight Themes in the Philosophy of Economics


철학과 경제학의 상호연결


We also believe that we are witnessing a “philosophical turn” in the relationship between philosophy and economics

1.1 Rationality

1.2 Cooperation and Interaction

1.3 Methodology


경제학 방법론 논쟁은 지난 30년 이상

1990년대 초, 경제학을 규정하는 "-주의"에 대한 논쟁

realism, instrumentalism, positivism, operationalism, falsificationism, rhetoric (not an -ism but nevertheless a far-reaching methodological point of view), or pragmatism

맥클로스키는 “big-M methodology”라는 조어를 함.

Hutchison (1938)는 실증주의적 기반에서 경제 이론을 만드는 것을 비판

경제학의 원리는 경험적으로 공허하다는 것

사무엘슨은 조작주의를 옹호

프리드먼은 도구주의


The Methodology of Economics or How Economists Explain (Blaug 1992)


François Claveau, Alexandre Truc, Olivier Santerre, and Luis Mireles-Flores

두 몸체

하나는 Journal of Economic Methodology and Economics & Philosophy 같은 학술대회, 학술지 등

다른 하나는 “Economic Methodology”


Alexander Linsbichler는 오스트리아 학파

Hsiang-Ke Chao는 경제학에서의 과학적 표상(scientific representation)

경제학자들은 그들의 도구를 표상 그 자체를 목표로 하는 게 아니라 경제에 관한 주장을 추론하고 방어하기 위해 사용한다는 것


Melissa Vergara-Fernández and Boudewijn de Bruin은 금융 관련

1.4 Values

1.5 Causality and Explanation


칼 멩거는 "경제현상을 이해하고 예측하고 통제하는 것"이 경제학의 주된 목적이라고 함.

인과적 주장의 참을 아는 것은 세 가지를 모두 달성하는 좋은 수단


그와 반대로, 인과 그 자체를 어떻게 이해하느냐에 대한 합의는 거의 없음.

흄의 규칙성 설명


Mill’s tendency account

(Reiss 2008b)

The probabilistic account

(Granger 1969)

The modularity account

(Woodward 2003)

(Hoover 2001)


Tobias Henschen는 vector autoregression (VAR)의 일반화에서 Granger causality

Arnold Zellner’s account of causal laws, and the causal Bayes nets theory, which generalizes Suppes (1970)

젤너는 그랜저 인과가 예측의 맥락에서는 유용하지만 통제(즉 정책)에서는 필요하지 않다고 함.


Christopher Clarke는 modularity theories

클라크가 제시하는 대안은 ceteris paribus theory

James Heckman의 발상에 느슨하게 기반함.


Whether or not knowledge of causal relations helps with the economist’s aim of understanding or

explanation depends also on what one thinks a good scientific explanation is. 

there are numerous other explanation-related issues that are relevant to economics

Are there credible non-causal accounts of explanation?

mathematical explanation (Lange 2013)

equilibrium explanation (Sober 1983)

role in economics (Reiss 2008a; Hardt 2017)

rational choice theory explain economic phenomena (Satz and Ferejohn 1994)

If reasons are causes (Davidson 1963), are rational choice explanations a species of causal explanation (Lovett 2006) or rather one of explanation-as-unification (Fumagalli 2020; Vredenburgh 2020)?

How, if at all, do economic models explain?

(Reiss 2012) 

(GrüneYanoff 2013)

Hoover 2009a

How do understanding and scientific explanation relate?

(Verreault-Julien 2017


Philippe Verreault-Julien

explanation in economics


Jennifer S. Jhun

role of models in economic explanations

Using the Tealbook forecasts for the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings as a case study

1.6 Experimentation and Simulation


An alternative typology classifies experiments according to the system on which experimenters intervene, as well as the source of the intervention.

Laboratory experiments

Field experiments

Natural experiments

Simulation experiments

Thought experiments


Aki Lehtinen and Jaakko Kuorikoski’s chapter turns to computer simulations.

1.7 Evidence


topic of evidence

Mill argues that economics is a deductive science


Yet, in recent times the biomedical and social sciences have witnessed the formation of movements that use the label “evidence-based X”


Robert Northcott

despite economics’ recent empirical turn

still excessively focused on theory development

and does not take empirical evidence seriously enough

economics should learn from other sciences


Aris Spanos

way econometricians use statistical models to learn about economic phenomena of interest from evidence

he criticizes the “curve-fitting approach” of traditional econometrics

He argues in favor of an alternative based on the concept of an “adequate statistical model.”

1.8 Policy


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