
[생물학의 철학] Godfrey-Smith (2000), “On the Theoretical Role of “Genetic Coding”” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Godfrey-Smith (2000), “On the Theoretical Role of “Genetic Coding””, Philosophy of Science, 67(1): 26-44. ]

1. Introduction

2. Background to the Original Problem

3. The Problem and Solution

4. Again: What Was the Problem and How Was It Solved?

5. The Restricted Theoretical Role of the Concept of Genetic Coding

6. A Thought-Experiment

7. What About Gene Regulation?

8. What about Evolution?

9. Conclusion

1. Introduction

2. Background to the Original Problem

3. The Problem and Solution

4. Again: What Was the Problem and How Was It Solved?

5. The Restricted Theoretical Role of the Concept of Genetic Coding

6. A Thought-Experiment

7. What About Gene Regulation?

8. What about Evolution?

9. Conclusion


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