
[강의계획서] 사회과학의 철학 (이상욱, 2004년 1학기)

- 과목명: <사회과학의 철학>

- 서울대 과학사 및 과학철학 협동과정 대학원

- 2004년 1학기

- 담당교수: 이상욱

■ 과목소개

현대 사회과학의 절학의 핵심적인 주제들을 고전적인 연구논문들과 해설서를 함께 읽으면서 공부한다. 모든 수강생은 매주 정해진 읽을거리를 미리 읽고, 각자 맡은 읽을거리에 대한 간단한 발표(10분 가량)를 준비해온다. 수업시간에는 발제에서 제기된 문제를 포함한 주요 논점에 대한 논의가 이루어진다.

읽을거리는 두 종류로 나쉰다. 첫째는 수업을 위해 반드시 읽고 들어와야 하는 것으로 [RR](Required Readings)로 표시된다. 보다 어렵거나 보충적인 읽을거리는 [FR](Further Readings)로 표시된다. [RR]은 주로 다음 책에서 찾을 수 있다.

• Daniel Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Science (Boulder, Westview Press)

• Martin Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science: An Introduction (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Alan Ryan (ed.)(1974), The Philosophy of Social Explanation (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

• Michael Martin and Lee C. McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press)

■ 서평 대상도서 목록

서로 대조되는 책 두 권을 택하여 각각의 내용을 소개하고(각 20매) 두 책에서 나타난 사회과학 연구방법을 비교한다(10매).

• Russell Keat and John Urry (1982), Social Theory as Science, 2nd edition (London: Routledge)

• Anthony Giddens (1986), The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration (Oxford: Blackwell)

• Clifford Geertz (1983), Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology (New York: Basic Books)

• Mary Douglas (1986), How Institutions Think (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press)

• Friedrich A.. Hayek (1960), The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

• Amartya Sen (1997), On Economic Inequality, enlarged edition (Oxford: Clarendon Press)

1주 - Introduction (맛보기 읽을거리)


• Amartya Sen (2001), Development as Freedom (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

[역서] 『자유로서의 발전』, 아마티야 센 지음, 박우희 옮김 (세종연구원)

• Manuel Castells (2000), The Rise of the Network Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

[역서] 『네트워크 사회의 도래』, 마뉴엘 카스텔 지음, 김욱한, 박행웅, 오은주 옮김 (한울아카데미)

• Clifford Geertz (2001), The Interpretations of Cultures (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

[역서] 『문화의 해석』, 클리퍼드 기어츠 지음, 문옥표 옮김 (까치글방)


• Joseph E. Stiglitz (2003), Globalization and its Discontents (London: Penguin Books)

[역서] 『세계화와 그 불만』, 조지프 스티글리츠 지음, 송절복 옮김 (세종연구원)

• Pierre Bourdieu (1996), Sur La Television (Paris: Liber-Raison d’agir)

[역서] 『텔레비전에 대하여』, 피에르 부르디외 지음, 현택수 옮김 (동문선)

• Mary Douglas (1966/2002), Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (London: Routledge)

[역서] 『순수와 위험』, 메리 더글라스 지음, 유제분, 이훈상 옮김 (현대미학사)

2주 - Varieties of Social Explanations I: Naturalism and Rationalism


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 2 “Causal Analysis”

- Ch 3 “Rational Choice Theory”

- Ch 5 “Functional and Structural Explanation”

- Ch 6 “Materialism”


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 1 “Introduction”

- Ch 8 “Statistical Analysis”

• Jon Elster (1983), Explaining Technical Change: A Case Study in the Philosophy of Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Marvin Harris (1979), Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture (New York: Random House)

• Jon Elster (1985), Making Sense of Marx (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Geoffrey F. Miller (2000), The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature (London: Heinemann)

3주 - Varieties of Social Explanations II

: Three Ways of Doing Social Science?


• Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 2 “Discovering Truth: The Rationalist Way”

- Ch 3 “Positive Science: Tte Empiricist Way”

- Ch 4 “Ants, Spiders and Bees: A Third Way?”

- Ch 5 “Systems and Functions”

- Ch 6 “Games with Rational Agents”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 1 “Are the Social Sciences Really Inferior?”

- Ch 2 “What Would a Adequate Philosophy of Social Science Look Alike?”

• Ryan (ed.)(1974), The Philosophy of Social Explanation

- Ch 11 “What is Structuralism?”

• Jon Elster (1983), Sour Grapes; Studies in the Subversion of Rationality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein (1994), A Course in Game Theory (Cambridge, MA: The MIT press)

• Mark Blaug (1992), The Methodology of Economics Or How Economists Explain, 2nd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

4주 - Varieties of Social Explanations II

I: Interpretation and Understanding


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 4 “Interpretation theory”

• Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 7 “Understanding Social Action”

- Ch 8 “Self and Roles”

- Ch 9 “Explaining and Understanding”


• Ryan (ed.)(1974), The Philosophy of Social Explanation

- Ch 6 “Societal Facts”

- Ch 7 “Methodological Individualism Reconsidered”

• Peter Winch (1990), The Idea of Social Science, 2nd edition (London: Routledge)

• Clifford Geertz (1980), Negara: The Theatre State in Nineteenth-Century Bali (Princeton: Princeton University Press)

• Martin Hollis (1996), Reason in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of Social Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Yi, Sang Wook (2002), ‘The Nature of Model-Based Understanding in Condensed Matter Physics’, Mind and Society, 6(3): 81-92.

5주 - General Laws in Social Sciences


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 3 “The Function of General Laws in History”

- Ch 5 “A Possible Distinction Between Traditional Scientific Disciplines and the Study of Human Behavior”

- Ch 7 “General Laws and Explaining Human Behavior”

- Ch 8 “Defending Laws in the Social Sciences”

- Ch 9 “Complexity and Social Scientific Laws”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 4 “The Theory of Complex Phenomena”

- Ch 6 “Psychology as Philosophy”

- Ch 10 “Reflexive Predictions”

- Ch 43 “Actions, Reason, and Causes”

- Ch 44 “Special Sciences

(or: The Disunity of Science as a Working Hypothesis)”

• Ryan (ed.)(1974), The Philosophy of Social Explanation

- Ch 3 “Bringing Men Back In”

- Ch 4 “Function and Causes”

- Ch 5 “Idea Types and Historical Explanation”

6주 - Explanation vs. Interpretation?


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 11 “Human Nature and Human History”

- Ch 13 “Interpretation and the Sciences of Man”

- Ch 14 “Thick Description: Toward a Interpretive Theory of Culture”

- Ch 15 “Hermeneutics and the Hypothetico-Deductive Method”

- Ch 17 “Taylor on Interpretation and the Sciences of Man”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 12 “The Rationale of Actions”

- Ch 13 “Actions, Reasons, and Causes”

- Ch 16 “Another Look at the Doctrine of Verstehen”

• Ryan (ed.)(1974), The Philosophy of Social Explanation

- Ch 12 “Problems of Interpretive Sociology”

• Mary Douglas (1999), Implicit Meanings: Selected Essays in Anthropology (London: Routledge)

• Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby (eds.) (1992), The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

• Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar (1986), Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts, 2nd edition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)

7주 – Rationality and Function


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 19 “The Status of Rationality Assumptions in Interpretation and in the Explanation of Action”

- Ch 20 “The Nature and Scope of Rational-Choice Explanation”

- Ch 22 “The Logic of F’unctional Analysis”

- Ch 25 “Functional Explanation: In Social Science”

- Ch 26 “Assessing Functional Explanations in the Social Sciences”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 18 “Some Problems about Rationality”

- Ch 21 “The Principle of Charity and the Problem of Irrationality”

- Ch 23 “Function and Cause”

- Ch 24 “Functional Explanation: In Marxism”

• Harold Kincaid (1996), Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences: Analyzing Controversies in Social Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

8주 - Individualism and Holism


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 9 “Methodological Individualism”

• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 27 “Social Facts”

- Ch 29 “Methodological Individualism Reconsidered”

- Ch 30 “Methodological Individualism and Social Explanation”

- Ch 32 “Reduction, Explanation, and Individualism”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 28 “Historical Explanation in the Social Sciences”

- Ch 31 “Microfoundations of Marxism”

- Ch 33 “Social Science and the Mental”

• Daniel Little (1998), Microfoundations, Methods, and Causation: On the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers)

• E. Roy Weintraub (1979), Microfoundations: The Compatibility of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (Cambridge: Cambridge University)

• Steven Lukes (1973), Individualism (Oxford: Blackwell)

• Friedrich A. Hayek (1948), Individualism and Economic Order (Chicago: H. Regnery Co.,)

9주 - Values and Objectivity in Social Sciences


• Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 10 “A Value-Neutral Social Science?”

• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 34 ““Objectivity” in Social Science and Social Policy”

- Ch 35 “Neutrality in Political Science”

- Ch 36 “The Value-Oriented Bias of Social Inquiry”

- Ch 39 “Reasoning about Ourselves: Feminist Methodology in the Social Sciences”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 37 “The Philosophical Importance of the Rosenthal Effect”

- Ch 38 “Psychology Constructs the Female”

- Ch 40 “A Method for Critical Research”

• Max Weber (1949), The Methodology of the Social Sciences, edited by E. A. Shils and H. A. Finch (New York: Free Press)

• Helen E. Longino (1990), Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry (Princeton: Princeton University Press)

10주 - Special Topics I: Relativism and Anthropology


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 10 “Relativism”

• Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 30 “Rationality and Relativism”

• Martin Hollis and Steven Lukes (eds.) (1982), Rationality and Relativism (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press)

- Ian Hacking, “Language, Truth and Reason”

- Charles Taylor, “Rationality”

- Robin Horton, “Tradition and Modernity Revisited”

- Steven Lukes, “Relativism in Its Place”


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 7 “Economic Anthropology”

• [H&L] Martin Hollis, “Social Destruction of Reality”

• Dan Sperber (1996), Explaining Cultuer: A Naturalistic Approach (Oxford: Blackwell)

• Gananath, Obeyesekere (1994), The Apotheosis of Captain Cook: European Mythmaking in the Pacific (Princeton: Princeton University Press)

• Marshall David Sahlins (1995), How “Natives” Think: About Captain Cook, for example (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

• James Clifford (1988), The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)

11주 - Special Topics II: Empiricism and Economics


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 41 “The Methodology of Positive Economics”

- Ch 42 “If Economics Isn’t Science, What Is It?”

• Daniel M. Hausman (1992), The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

- Ch 8 “Inexactness in Economic Theory”

- Ch 12 “Economics as an Inexact and Separate Science”

- Ch 13 “On Dogmatism in Economics: The Case of Preference Reversal”


• Daniel M. Hausman (1992), The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

- Ch 9 “Methodological Revolution”

- Ch 10 “Karl Popper and F’alsification in Economics”

- Ch 11 “Imre Lakatos and Economic Methodology”

• Daniel M. Hausman (ed.) (1994), The Philosophy of Economics: An Anthology, 2nd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Kevin D. Hoover (2001), The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

• Deirdre N. McCloskey (1998), The Rhetoric of Economics, 2nd edition (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press)

• Nancy Cartwright (1999), The Dappled World: A Study of the Boundaries of Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

12주 - Special Topics III: Methodological Pluralism and History


• Little (1991), Varieties of Social Explanation

- Ch 11 “Toward Methodological Pluralism”

• Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 12 “Conclusion: Two Stories to Tell”

• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 45 “Narrative Explanations: The Case of History”

- Ch 46 “The Authonomy of Historical Understanding”


• Martin and McIntyre (eds.)(1994), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science

- Ch 47 “On the Possibility of Lawful Explanation in Archeology”

- Ch 48 “Evidential Constraints: Pragmatic Objectivism in Archeology”

• Hayden White (1980), Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Europe (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press)

• Dominick LaCapra (1983), Rethinking Intellectual History: Text Context, Language (Ithaca: Cornell university Press)

13주 - Special Topics IV: Realism and Sociology


• 『사회이론과 방법론에 다가서기』, 노먼 블래키 지음, 이기홍&최대용 옮김 (한울아카데미)

• 『사회연구의 철학』, 존 휴즈&웨슬리 샤록 지음, 이기홍 옮김 (한울아카데미)

• Andrew Sayer (1992), Method in Social Science: A Realist Approach, 2nd edition (London: Routledge)

[역서] 『사회과학방법론』, 앤드류 세이어 지음, 이기홍 옮김 (세종연구원)


• William Outhwaite (1987), New Philosophies of Social Science: Realism, Hermeneutics and Critical Theory (Houndmills: Macmillan)

• Roy Bhaskar (1998), The Possibility of Naturalism: A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences, 3rd edition (London: Routledge)

• Tony Lawson (1997), Economics and Reality (London: Routledge)

• Margaret Archer (1998), Critical Realism: Essential Readings (London: Routledge)

14주 - Special Topics V: The Constitution of Social Reality


• Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann (1966), The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Anchor Books)

• John Searle (1995), The Construction of Social Reality (New York: Free Press)

• David Bloor (2002), Wittgenstein, Rules and Institutions (London: Routledge)


• Barry Barnes (1995), The Elements of Social Theory (Princeton: Princeton University Press)

• Ian Hacking (1999), The Social Construction of What? (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)

• Andrew Pickering (ed.)(1992), Science as Practice and Culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

• Bruno Latour (1987), Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)


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