
Readings on Laws of Nature (2004) by John W. Carroll (ed.)

John W. Carroll (ed.) (2004), Readings on Laws of Nature
: 자연법칙에 관한 선집

University of Pittsburgh Press
August 2004

Introduction / John W. Carroll 

1. Laws of Nature / Fred I. Dretske
(from Philosophy of Science 44 (1977): 248-68.) 

 2. The Nature of Laws / Michael Tooley
(from Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1977): 667-98.)

3. Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts? / Nancy Cartwright
(from Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1980): 75-84.)

4. Confirmation and the Nomological / Frank Jackson and Robert Pargetter
(from Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (1980): 415-28.)

5. Induction, Explanation, and Natural Necessity / John Foster
(from Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 83 (1982-83): 87-101.)

6. Armstrong on Laws and Probabilities / Bas C. Van Fraassen
(from Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65, 3 (1987): 243-60.)

7. Confirmation and Law-likeness / Elliott Sober
(from Philosophical Review 97 (1988): 93-98.) 

8. The World as One of a Kind: Natural Necessity and Laws of Nature 
/ John Bigelow, Brian Ellis, and Caroline Lierse
(from British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43, 3 (1992): 371-88.)

9. Natural Laws and the Problem of Provisos / Marc Lange
(from Erkenntnis 38 (1993): 233-48.)

10. Humean Supervenience / Barry Loewer
(from Philosophical Topic 24 (1996): 101-27.)

11. Ceteris Paribus, There Is No Problem of Provisos
/ John Earman and John Roberts
(from Synthese 118 (1999): 439-78.)

12. The Non-Governing Conception of Laws of Nature / Helen Beebee
(from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61 (2000): 571-94.) 




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