
[언어철학] Searle (1998), Ch 6 “How Language Works: Speech as a Kind of Human Action” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ John R. Searle (1998), Mind, Language And Society: Philosophy In The Real World (Basic Books), pp. 135-161. ]

6.1. Speech Acts: Illocutionary Acts and Perlocutionary Acts

6.2. The Meanings of “Meaning”

6.3. Meaning and Communication

6.4. Various Types of Speech Acts

6.5. Constitutive Rules and Symbolism

6.1. Speech Acts: Illocutionary Acts and Perlocutionary Acts

6.2. The Meanings of “Meaning”

6.3. Meaning and Communication

6.4. Various Types of Speech Acts

6.5. Constitutive Rules and Symbolism


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