
[참고 문헌] 논리학사 (영어 선집)

Series: D. Gabbay et al. (eds.), Handbook of the History of Logic (Elsevier).

- Volume 1: Greek, Indian and Arabic Logic (2004)

- Volume 2: Mediaeval and Renaissance Logic (2008)

- Volume 3: The Rise of Modern Logic: from Leibniz to Frege (2004)

- Volume 4: British Logic in the Nineteenth Century (2008)

- Volume 5: Logic from Russell to Church (2009)

- Volume 6: Sets and Extensions in the Twentieth Century (2012)

- Volume 7: Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century (2006)

- Volume 8: The Many Valued and Nonmonotonic Turn in Logic (2007)

- Volume 9: Computational Logic (2014)

- Volume 10: Inductive Logic (2011)

- Volume 11: Logic: A History of its Central Concepts (2012)


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