
[과학철학] Woodward (2006), “Some varieties of robustness” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Jim Woodward (2006), “Some varieties of robustness”, Journal of Economic Methodology, 13(2): 219-240. ]

1. Inferential Robustness: Robustness as Insensitivity of the Results of Inference to Alternative Specifications

2. Inferential Robustness, Sensitivity and Regression

3. Truth, Falsity and Sensitivity

4. Rationality and the Suspension of Belief

5. Derivational Robustness

6. Measurement Robustness: Robustness in Agreement of Measurement Results

7. Causal Robustness: Robustness as a Mark of Causal or Structural Relationships

1. Inferential Robustness: Robustness as Insensitivity of the Results of Inference to Alternative Specifications

2. Inferential Robustness, Sensitivity and Regression

3. Truth, Falsity and Sensitivity

4. Rationality and the Suspension of Belief

5. Derivational Robustness

6. Measurement Robustness: Robustness in Agreement of Measurement Results

7. Causal Robustness: Robustness as a Mark of Causal or Structural Relationships


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