
Philosophy of Economics (2012) by Mäki, Gabbay, Thagard & Woods

Philosophy of Economics 
A volume in Handbook of the Philosophy of Science
: 경제철학 선집
Edited by: Uskali Mäki, Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard and John Woods
ISBN: 978-0-444-51676-3
■ A. General Philosophical Themes
1. Realism and Antirealism About Economics / Uskali Mäki
2. The Rise and fall of Popper and Lakatos in Economics / Roger E. Backhouse
3. Models and Modelling in Economics / Mary S. Morgan and Tarja Knuuttila
4. Economic Theory and Causal Inference / Kevin D. Hoover
5. Naturalism and the Nature of Economic Evidence / Harold Kincaid
6. Some Issues Concerning the Nature of Economic Explanation / Harold Kincaid
7. The Unreasonable Efficacy of Mathematics in Modern Economics / Philip Mirowski
8. Feminist Philosophy of Economics / Kristina Rolin
9. The Positive-Normative Dichotomy and Economics / D. Wade Hands
10. Economic Theory, Anti-Economics, And Political Ideology / Don Ross
11. Social Scientific Naturalism and Experimentation in Economics / Daniel M. Hausman
■ B. Specific Methods, Theories, Approaches, Paradigms, Schools, Traditions
12. The Philosophy of Economic Forecasting / Clive W.J. Granger
13. Philosophy of Econometrics / Aris Spanos
14. Measurement in Economics, / Marcel Boumans
15. Geographical Economics and its Neighbours — Forces Towards and Against Unification / Caterina Marchionni
16. The Homo Economicus Conception of the Individual: An Ontological Approach / John B. Davis
17. Rational Choice and Some Difficulties for Consequentialism / Paul Anand
18. Rational Choice, Preferences Over Actions and Rule-Following Behavior / Viktor J. Vanberg
19. Philosophy of Game Theory / Till Grüne-Yanoff and Aki Lehtinen
20. An Embarrassment of Riches: Modeling Social Preferences in Ultimatum Games / Cristina Bicchieri, Jiji Zhang
21. Experimentation in Economics / Francesco Guala
22. Behavioral Economics / Erik Angner and George Loewenstein
23. The Economic Agent: Not Human, But Important / Don Ross
24. Ontological Issues in Evolutionary Economics: The debate Between Generalized Darwinism and the Continuity Hypothesis / Jack Vromen
25. Public Choice: A Methodological Perspective / Hartmut Kliemt
26. Judgment Aggregation: A Short Introduction / Christian List
27. The Economics of Scientific Knowledge / Jesús P. Zamora Bonilla

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