
‘가족 같은 회사’의 뜻

어떤 회사원이 이렇게 말했다. “아니, 왜 회사들은 잘 해주지도 않으면서 ‘가족 같은 회사’라고 하는 거야? 그렇게 거짓말을 해도 되는 거야?” 그 말에 나는 이렇게 답했다. “가족 같다고 했지 그 가족이 화목한 가족이라고는 안 했잖아요.” 회사원은 “그러네, 생각해보면 화목한 가족이 그렇게 많지는 않네”라고 했다.



[외국 음악] 지미 헨드릭스 (Jimi Hendrix)

Jimi Hendrix - Ezy Ryder

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9g6ngaWNAE )

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady (Miami Pop 1968)

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PVjcIO4MT4 )

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (Slight Return) (Live At The Atlanta Pop Festival)

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaIXYt541XA )



[강의계획서] 과학철학통론2 (조인래, 2013년 2학기)

- 과목명: <과학철학통론2>

- 서울대 과학사 및 과학철학 협동과정 대학원 수업

- 2013년 2학기

- 담당교수: 조인래

1. Anthologies

• Brody, B. & Grandy, R. (eds.)(1971/1989), Reading in the Philosophy of Science, Prentice Hall.

• Boyd, R., Gasper, P. & Trout, J. D. (eds.)(1991), The Philosophy of Science, MIT Press.

• Curd, M & Cover, J. A. (eds.)(1998), Philosophy of Science, Norton.

2. 세부 강의 일정

(*표시 자료는 발제해야 하는 자료, †표시 자료는 추가 문헌)

■ IV. Science and Pseudoscience (3W&2*)

• Popper, “Science: Conjectures and Refutations”

• Kuhn, “Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research?”

• Lakatos, “Science and Pseudoscience”

• Thagard, “Why Astrology Is a Pseudoscience”

*Ruse, “Creation-Science Is Not Science”

• Laudan, “Commentary: Science at the Bar - Causes for Concern”

*Ruse, Michael Ruse, “Response to the Commentary: Pro Judice”

*Quinn, Philip L. (1984), “The Philosopher of Science as an Expert Witness”. Reprinted in M. Ruse (ed.)(1988), But Is It Science?, pp.367-385.

*Ruse, M. (1986), “Commentary: The Academic as Expert Witness”, Science, Technology and Human Values 11: 68-73.

†Resnik, David (2000), “A Pragmatic Approach to the Demarcation Problem”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 31: 249-267.

†Ruse, M. (ed.)(1996), But Is It Science?, Prometheus.

■ V. Laws of Nature (2W&2*)

• Ayer, A. J. (1956), “What is a Laws of Nature”. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (1998), 808-825.

• Dreske, F. (1977), “Laws of Nature”, Philosophy of Science 44: 248-268. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (1998), 826-845.

• Braithwaite, R. (1953), Scientific Explanation, Cambridge U. P., pp.293-308.

*Cartwright, N. (1980), “Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts?”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61: 775-84. Preprinted in Curd & Cover (1998), 865-877.

*Giere, R. (1995), “Science without Laws of Nature”, F. Weinert (ed.), Laws of Nature, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 120-138. Reprinted in R. Giere (1999), Science without Laws, pp.84-96.

†Carroll, John (ed.)(2004), Readings on Laws of Nature, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press.

■ VI. Reduction (3W&3*)

• Nagel, E. (1961), The Structure of Science, pp.336-358.

• Feyerabend, P. (1962), “Explanation, Reduction and Empiricism”, in Feigl & Maxwell (eds.), Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. III), pp.43-62.

• Kuhn, T. (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Ch. IX.

*Kuhn, T. (1983), “Commensurability, Comparability, Communicability”, in PSA 1982, Vol. 2, pp.669-688.

• Kemeny & Oppenheim (1956), “On Reduction”. Reprinted in Brody & Grandy (eds.)(1971), Readings in the Philosophy of Science, pp.307-318.

• Schaffner, K. (1967), “Approaches to the Reduction”, Philosophy of Science 43: 137-47.

• Hull, D. (1974), Philosophy of Biological Science, pp.8-44.

†Churchland, Paul (1979), Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind, pp.80-88.

• Churchland, Patricia (1986), Neurophilosophy, pp.278-295 & 363-367.

• Schaffner, K. (1993), Discovery and Explanation in Biology and Medicine, pp.427-432.

*Nickles, T. (1973), “Two Concepts of Intertheoretical Reduction”, Journal of Philosophy 70: 181-201.

*Kitcher, P. (1984), “1953 and all that: A tale of two sciences”, Philosophical Review 93: 335-73. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (eds.) pp.971-1003.

■ VII. Realism and Anti-realism (4W&4*)

• Boyd, R. (1984), “The Current Status of Scientific Realism”, in J. Leplin (ed.)(1984), Scientific Realism, pp. 41-82.

• Putnam, H. (1978), Meaning and the Moral Sciences, pp.18-37.

• Laudan, L. (1981), “A Confutation of Convergent Realism”, in L. Leplin (ed.)(1984), pp.218-249. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (eds.)(1998), pp.1114-1135.

†Boyd, R. (1990), “Realism, Approximate Truth, and Philosophical Method”, in Savage (ed.)(1990), Scientific Theories, pp. 355-391.

*Brown, J. R. (1985), “Explaining the Success of Science”, Ratio 27: 49-66. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (eds.)(1998), pp.1136-1152.

• Maxwell, G. (1962), “The Ontological Status of Theoretical Entities”, in Brody & Grandy (eds.)(1989), pp.224-233.

• van Fraassen, B. (1980), The Scientific Image, Ch. 2.

• Churchland, Paul (1985), “The Ontological status of Observables”, in Churchland & Hooker (eds.)(1985), Images of Science, pp.35-47.

*Musgrave, A. (1985), “Realism versus Constructive Empiricism”, in Churchland & Hooker (eds.)(1985), Images of Science, pp.197-221. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (eds.)(1998), pp.1088-1113.

• Giere, R. (1985), “Constructive Realism”, in Churchland & Hooker (eds.)(1985), pp.75-98.

†Giere, R. (1988), Explaining Science, Chs. 4 & 5.

• Hacking I. (1985), “Experimentation and Scientific Realism”, in Leplin (ed.)(1984), pp.154-172. Reprinted in Curd & Cover (eds.)(1998), pp.1153-1168.

*Resnik, D. B. (1994), “Experimentation and Scientific Realism”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24: 395-411.

*Fine, A. (1984), “The Natural Ontological Attitude”, in Leplin (ed.)(1984), pp.83-107.

*Worrall, John (1989), “Structural Realism: the Best of Both Worlds”, Dialectica 43. Repinted in D. Papineau (ed.)(1996), The Philosophy of Science, pp.139-165.


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