
[언어철학] Searle (1998), Ch 5 “The Structure of the Social Universe: How the Mind Creates an Objective Social Reality” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ John R. Searle (1998), Mind, Language And Society: Philosophy In The Real World (Basic Books), pp. 111-134. ]

5.1. Social and Institutional Reality

5.2. Observer-Dependency and the Building Blocks of Social Reality

5.3. A Simple Model of the Construction of Institutional Reality

5.4. The Example of Money

5.5. How Institutional Reality Can Be So Powerful

5.6. Solutions to the Problem and the Puzzles

5.1. Social and Institutional Reality

5.2. Observer-Dependency and the Building Blocks of Social Reality

5.3. A Simple Model of the Construction of Institutional Reality

5.4. The Example of Money

5.5. How Institutional Reality Can Be So Powerful

5.6. Solutions to the Problem and the Puzzles


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[외국 가요] 맥 드마르코 (Mac DeMarco)

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