
[경제학의 철학] Henschen (2024), Ch 4 “The In-Principle Inconclusiveness of Causal Evidence in Macroeconomics” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Tobias Henschen (2024), Causality and Objectivity in Macroeconomics (Routledge), pp. 69-93.

Tobias Henschen (2018), “The in-principle inconclusiveness of causal evidence in macroeconomics”, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 8(3): 709-733. ]

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Randomized Controlled Trials

4.3 A Natural Experiment in Macroeconomics

4.4 The General Case

4.5 The Hoover Test

4.6 The AK Test

4.7 Conclusion

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Randomized Controlled Trials

4.3 A Natural Experiment in Macroeconomics

4.4 The General Case

4.5 The Hoover Test

4.6 The AK Test

4.7 Conclusion


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