
[과학사] Collins and Pinch (1998), Ch 7 “Set the controls for the heart of the sun: the strange story of the missing solar neutrinos” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch (1998), The Golem: What You Should Know About Science, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press), pp. -.

Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch (1993), The Golem: What You Should Know About Science, 1st Edition (Cambridge University Press).

해리 콜린스・트레버 핀치, 「7장. 태양의 중심부를 통제하기 - 태양의 사라진 중성미자에 대한 이상한 이야기」, 『골렘 ― 과학의 뒷골목』, 이충형 옮김 (새물결, 2005), -쪽. ]


1. Collaboration with Cal Tech

2. Bahcall: a house theorist away from home

3. Funding the experiment

4. Building the experiment


1. The first results

2. Bahcall’s reaction

3. Iben’s reaction

4. Ray Davis: an ideal experimenter

5. Argon trapping

6. Solutions to the problem

7. An experiment into the nature of science



[참고 문헌] 과학철학 - 경제학의 철학 (영어 선집)

Uskali Mäki (ed.)(2001), The Economic World View: Studies in the Ontology of Economics (Cambridge University Press).

Uskali Mäki (ed.)(2002), Fact and Fiction in Economics: Models, Realism and Social Construction (Cambridge University Press).



[경제학의 철학] Morgan (2001), “Models, stories and the economic world” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Mary S. Morgan (2001), “Models, stories and the economic world”, Journal of Economic Methodology, 8(3): 361-384. ]

1. Models, Stories and the Economic World

2. The Story So Far

3. Why Models Need Stories

4. Modelling Keynes’ General Theory

5. How Models Connect to the World

6. Conclusion

1. Models, Stories and the Economic World

2. The Story So Far

3. Why Models Need Stories

4. Modelling Keynes’ General Theory

5. How Models Connect to the World

6. Conclusion


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