
[강연] 김미경


[세바시] 670회. ‘엄마사람’으로 용기 있게 사는 법 | 김미경

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cbpNh5JKDA )

[세바시] 475회. 천 번을 미안해도 나는 엄마다 | 김미경

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vpUWBpM_F8 )

[세바시] 392회. 꿈길에서 절대 빠지면 안 되는 세 가지 샛길 | 김미경

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4c4lYlSe5s )

[세바시] 247회. 스마트한 연애를 위한 남녀탐구생활 | 김미경

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQRbP8BBKRs )

[세바시] 211회. 죽어가는 꿈을 구출하라 | 김미경 아트스피치 원장

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL-UCOjf4iQ )

[세바시] 169회. 청년, 불공정거래 하지 마라 | 김미경 아트스피치 원장

( www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5LDE4mXrZI )

[교보문고 명강의 BIG10] 김미경 - 나의 꿈을 검색하지 말고 경험해서 찾아라

( http://tv.naver.com/v/149344 )



[경제학의 철학] Gonzalez (2008), “Rationality and Prediction in the Sciences of the Artificial: Economics as a Design Science” 요약정리 (미완성)

[ Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (2008), “Rationality and Prediction in the Sciences of the Artificial: Economics as a Design Science”, in M. Galavotti et al. (eds.)(2008), Reasoning, Rationality and Probability (Center for the Study of Language and Information), pp. 165-186. ]

1. The Realm of the Sciences of the Artificial

2. The Sciences of the Artificial as Design Sciences

3. Kinds of Rationality in the Sciences of the Artificial

3.1. Simon’s Framework on Rationality

3.2. From Instrumental Rationality to Evaluative Rationality

4. The Role of Prediction in the Sciences of the Artificial

1. The Realm of the Sciences of the Artificial

2. The Sciences of the Artificial as Design Sciences

3. Kinds of Rationality in the Sciences of the Artificial

3.1. Simon’s Framework on Rationality

3.2. From Instrumental Rationality to Evaluative Rationality

4. The Role of Prediction in the Sciences of the Artificial


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