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[발생생물학] Gilbert et al. (1996), “Resynthesizing Evolutionary and Developmental Biology” 요약 정리 (미완성)

[ Scott F. Gilbert, John M. Opitz, and Rudolf A. Raff (1996), “Resynthesizing Evolutionary and Developmental Biology”, Developmental Biology 173, pp. 357-372. ]

1. Introduction: The Genetic Redefinition of Evolution and Eclipse of Macroevolution and Homology

2. Genetic redefining of experimental embryology: Eclipse of morphogenetic field

3. Three Re-discoveries

3.1. The Rediscovery of Macroevolution

3.2. The Rediscovery of Homology

3.3. The Rediscovery of Morphogenetic field

4. Summary

5. Coda

1. Introduction: The Genetic Redefinition of Evolution and Eclipse of Macroevolution and Homology


- “The Rise of Genetics”

- 유전학(genetics)은 발생학(embryology)을 대체하고 진화학을 정리함.

- 유전학은 진화를 자연사(natural history)에서 과학으로 만듦.(change in gene frequency)

- Causality of the replacement of embryology by genetics

1. Macroevolution completely explainable by process of microevolution

(macroevolution : no status of its own)

2. Notion of homology (population genetic approach to evolution)

-> Darwin used homologies to indicate common descendent

2. Genetic redefining of experimental embryology: Eclipse of morphogenetic field


- 형태발생장(morphogenetic field): Basic paradigm of embryology

- Limb transplantation experiment of Harrison

해리슨은 이를 “Self-differentiating equipotential system”라고 부름

-> If undetermined cells or tissues were introduced into the field domain, they became organized and incorporated into the limb

- transplantation -> a limb

- cut in half -> two limbs

- graft together -> a normal limb

-> Web of interactions

: any cell was defined by its position within its respective field

-> informational and regional relationship

Paul Weiss (1939), “Principles of Development”

Gradient field


- What destroyed the morphogenetic field? Nothing (eclipsed, ignored)

- Rather, 형태발생장은 무시되었음.

(1) biochemical technique not good enough

(2) decline of funding for biological science

(3) rise of genetics with its alternative program for development

- Embryology redefining as studying changes in gene expression

(embryogenesis = cell differentiation = differential protein synthesis)

-> embryology & evolution were given new, genotypic, definitions

- De Robertis and colleagues (1991)는 형태발생장이 문헌에서 사라졌다고 주장함.

추상적이고 거의 형이상학적이고, 실험에서만 드러날 수 있는 기술이기 때문

- Oppenheimer (1966)

-> techniques to analyze them had not yet appeared

-> eclipsed by genetic explanation of development (fields not needed)

3. Three Re-discoveries


- Microevolutionary changes in gene frequency (survival, not arrival)

: 파충류에서 포유류, 어류에서 양서류로의 전환을 설명할 수 없음

- Reexamining of Modern Synthesis -> re-discoveries in modern biology

: macroevolution, homology, morphogenetic field (New Synthesis)

- Developmentally oriented synthesis

: 소진화 뿐 아니라 대진화도 설명가능하게 함

- All changes important in evolution are alterations in development

Evolution involves heritable changes of development

One-toed horse derived from five-toed ancestor

Changes have occurred in the development of the limb Cartilage cells

Functional Biology = anatomy, physiology, cell biology, gene expression

Developmental Biology = δ [functional biology]/δt

Evolutionary Biology = δ [developmental biology]/δt

(Gilbert and Faber, 1996)

3.1. The Rediscovery of Macroevolution


- Attempts to decouple microevolution from macroevolution were either ignored or marginalized.

- Macroevolution : autonomous entity (Gould(1972), Stenley(1979))

- Gould (1982)

-> microevolutionary theory: not wrong or inadequate, but incomplete

-> punctuated equilibrium: bring to light the question of autonomy of macroevolution

- Molecular studies (King and Wilson, 1975)

-> similarly pointing to “evolution at two levels”

-> one molecular, the other morphological

# two areas (대진화 & 소진화) autonomous,

# microevolutionary events만으로 macroevolutionary process를 설명할수 없음

3.2. The Rediscovery of Homology

- Gould and Lewontin (1979) “The Spandrels of San Marco”

-> the idea of developmental homology reasserted

- Heterochrony (changes in the relative timing of developmental events) & Allometry (differential growth of parts)

-> Gould는 어떻게 발생학적 변화들이 빠른 속도로 대진화적인 새로움을 만들어낼 수 있는지 증명하기 위해 이 기작들을 사용

- Homology of process

-> goes into mechanisms of development

-> concerns similarities of dynamic interactions

- Homologous recombination to functionally delete homeotic genes:

- controlled formation of anterior-posterior axis

- produced atavistic changes

- Comparative study of Hoxgene clusters has become a major approach in clarifying the evolution of all metazoa(except perhaps the sponges)

3.3. The Rediscovery of Morphogenetic field

- Homology of process : occur within fields, 특정한 세포들의 집합

- De Robertis et al (1991)

: homeobox genes play role in initiating and organizing fields

- gradients of proteins

 induce specific proteins production at specific sites

 establish polar axes of organs

- The interactions in fields : not identified

-> homologous pathways of development : insight into how the fields are established and maintained

- Rediscovery가 Clsassical 개념들의 약점을 잘 보완 하고 있는가?

Rediscovery에 약점은 없는가?

Macroevolution은 autonomous한가, 그렇다면 그 증거는?

Classic morphogenetic field 와 Rediscovery의 차이점들은 Modern synthesis를 대체할 수 있는가?

Some of the molecular interactions

by which limb bud formation and growth are initiated and maintained

4. Summary

5. Coda


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